The Story Misery follows successful romance novelist Paul Sheldon, who is rescued from a car crash by his “number one fan,” Annie Wilkes, and wakes up captive in her secluded home. While Paul is convalescing, Annie reads his latest book and becomes enraged when she...
The Story In this hilarious Christmas classic, a couple struggling to put on a church Christmas pageant is faced with casting the Herdman kids – probably the most inventively awful kids in history. You won’t believe the mayhem – and the fun – when the Herdmans...
The Story Charles Lansing, a staid and humorless millionaire, has been found murdered at his country estate and Lt. Paris is in charge of the investigation. Alibis are re-enacted by the suspects, including the third wife married to Lansing for less than a year; the...
THE DETECTIVES Comedy Dinner Theatre FUNDRAISER JOIN US Join Singing River Little Theatre for a night of good food, good fun, and a little mystery, as THE DETECTIVES take the…stage…floor…whatever…for THREE MEN AND A BABE, an original funny...
STEEL MAGNOLIAS The Story The action is set in Truvy’s beauty salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana, where all the ladies who are “anybody” come to have their hair done. Helped by her eager new assistant, Annelle (who is not sure whether or not she is still married), the...